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Ashley Firth

Developer / Author / Leader / Speaker


How to create an intuitive, accessible autocomplete

May 10, 2022 / Reading time: ~7 minutes

Your site needs to be as error tolerant as possible, and a large portion of these pain points are revealed when content is inputted. Let's look at how you can make that easier with an accessible autocomplete.

Handling a team with unlimited holidays

April 26, 2022 / Reading time: ~7 minutes

Whilst the debate between unlimited and 'use it or lose it' holiday policies rages on, I had a think about how we handle things at Octopus.

The case for basic, boring emails

April 16, 2022 / Reading time: ~6 minutes

After a recent run in with our emails at Octopus, I want to quickly share why I believe email is very bad, and why you should consider doing next to nothing with the next email you send to your users

My Setup (Updated)

March 6, 2022 / Reading time: ~6 minutes

Me and my team recently shared our home setups now that we've been working remotely for a while. Here's mine!

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